The ideology of Pakistan as envisioned by the Quaid


ISLAMIC IDEOLOGY: Ideology in a philosophical term implies the "Study of Ideas". The thought is again an extremely extensive term. Yet, it is superfluous to delve into the subtleties of the term Suffice it to say that "Thought" signifies an essential idea and that the fundamental ideas on which any "Framework" is assembled comprise its "Philosophy". In this way, the importance of Islamic Ideology is a State dependent on the code of Natural laws as indicated by which the Muslim Ummah will frame the public authority. 


Pakistan's rise was the development of another state, however it was made based on Islamic Ideology. The object of the Pakistan Movement was not to isolate a few territories to save them from Hindu control. Had it been along these lines, the Muslims of the minority territories could never had taken the dynamic part they did in the opportunity development. The truth of the matter is that they were the most exceedingly awful victims, both previously, then after the fact the parcel. They realized that in case Pakistan was made they would remain to acquire nothing, infact may lose everything. Disregarding this, the Muslims of the minority territories joined the Muslims of the larger part areas in their battle for opportunity just in light of the fact that they accepted that they were battling not for a domain in particular, but rather for the conservation of their way of life and civilization, language, and writing and Islamic lifestyle.

In the official location at the Lahore Session of All India Muslim League in 1940, the Quaid-I-Azam proclaimed:



“Musalmans are not a minority, as. It is commonly known and understood. One has only got to look round. Even today, according to the British map of India, 4 out of 11 provinces, where the Muslims dominate more or less, are functioning notwithstanding the decision of the Hindu Congress High Command to non-co-operate and prepare for civil disobedience. Musalmans are a nation according to any definition of a nation, and they must have their homeland, their territory, and their state.”


For the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent, the interest for Pakistan was an outflow of their most profound feelings for their political and social character. Pakistan was made as the primary Islamic State after the foundation of the State of Medina in 622 A.D. as a philosophical state based on Islam. The inquiry concerning why Hindus and Muslims couldn't blend into one country in spite of the fact that they live respectively for quite a long time, the Quaid in his discourse at Aligarh on March 4, 1944, responded to this inquiry:


“Pakistan started the moment the first non-Muslim was converted to Islam in India long before the Muslims established their rule. As soon as a Hindu embraced Islam, he was an outcast not only religiously but also socially, culturally, and economically. As for the Muslim, it was a duty imposed on him by Islam not to merge his identity and individually in any alien society. Throughout the ages, Hindus had remained Hindus and Muslims had remained Muslims, and they had not merged their entities - that was the basis for Pakistan”.


In his official location at the extraordinary Pakistan Session of the Punjab Muslim Students Federation, on March 2, 1941, talking about the philosophical contrast of two countries the Quaid further said:


"Our interest isn't from Hindus in light of the fact that the Hindus never took the entire of India. It was the Muslims who took India and controlled for a very long time. It was the British who took India from the Musalmans. Thus, we are not requesting that the Hindus give us anything. Our interest is made to the British, who are under lock and key. It is an absolute jabber to say that Hindustan has a place with the Hindus. They additionally say that Muslims were Hindus all at once. These strange contentions are progressed by their chiefs. They say, assuming an Englishman turns into a Muslim in England, he doesn't request Pakistan. Have you got eyes to see and don't you have cerebrums to comprehend that an Englishman, on the off chance that he changes his religion in England, he, by changing his religion, actually stays an individual from a similar society, with a similar culture, same public activity and everything remains the very same when an Englishman changes his confidence. 

Yet, wouldn't you be able to see that a Muslim, when he was changed over in excess of 1,000 years prior, heft of them, then, at that point as per you Hindu religion and reasoning, he turns into an outsider, and he turns into a maleecha (distant) and the Hindus stop to have anything to do with him socially, strictly and socially or in some other way? He, subsequently, has a place with an alternate request, strict as well as friendly and he has lived in that unmistakably independent and hostile) request, strictly, socially and socially. It is presently in excess of 1,000 years that the majority of the Muslims have lived in various world, in an alternate society, in various way of thinking and an alternate confidence; can you contrast this and absurd talk that simple difference in confidence is no ground for an interest for Pakistan? Wouldn't you be able to see the basic distinction?"


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