Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and Aligarh Movement


Sir Syed Ahmed khan was an extraordinary Muslim Scholar and Reformer. 

Sir Syed Ahmed Awakened the Muslims from their Slumber to set up a battle for the recovery of their past position of greatness. 

Name Syed Ahmed Taqvi 

Conceived 17 Oct 1817 Delhi 

Father Mir Muttaqi 

Mother Aziz-un-Nisaa 

Maternal Grand Father Khawaja Farid-ud-noise 

Khawaja Farid-ud-noise had twice filled in as Prime Minister of Mogul Emperor and stood firm on trustworthy footing under the East India Company. 


He got his essential instruction from his maternal granddad, which incorporate, Study of Holy Quran, Arabic and Persian Literature. 

Later he additionally obtained greatness ever, math and medication. However, he didn't finish the medication course. 

He had additionally been acquainted with a portion of India's most capable essayists and had fostered an affection for writing. 

Monetary challenges shut down Sir Syed's proper instruction. 


In 1840 he joined East India organization as Record Keeper (Naib Munshi), he rose to the situation of boss Assessment Official ( Chief Judge in certain references). 

May 10, 1857, Sir Syed was filling in as the main Assessment official at the court in Bijnor, he saved the existences of British Women and Children in danger of his life. 


  • Asar-us-Sanadid 
  • Risala Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind 
  • Indian Musalmans 
  • Exposition on the existence of Muhammad (PBUH) 

Educational Services

Sir Syed assumed an imperative part in the instructive inspire of the Muslims in India. He did the accompanying things to work on the instructive norms: 

set up a diary, Tahzib-ul-Akhlaq, which contained articles of powerful Muslims who concurred with Sir Syed's methodology towards instruction. 

Instructive Institutes: 

I. Opened school in murdabad in 1859 

ii. established logical society in Ghazipore in 1863. 

iii.Victoria School Ghazipur 1864. 

iv.Aligarh Institues Gazette. 

v.Mao High School in 1875 which was subsequently became MAO school. 

vi.Aligarh Muslim University(AMU) in 1920. 

vii.Organized the Mohammedan Educational Conference. 

Political Services 

Sir Syed additionally expanded the political familiarity with Muslims in the Sub-mainland. At first he trusted in Hindu-Muslim solidarity yet later set out to the two-nation theory. In 1885 the Indian National Congress was set up. It professed to be the body of each Indian paying little heed to religion. Anyway it later end up being working just for the Hindus and attempted to kill the Muslims. The Congress set three expectations: 

political portrayal concurring the populace. This clearly implied Hindu domination as they were a predominant greater part in India and Sir Syed went against it. 

Arrangement in government ought to be by serious examinations. Sir Syed went against this since he realized that the instructive norms of the Hindus was far superior to the Muslims.\ 

The following authority language ought to be Hindi supplanting Urdu. Urdu had an exceptional spot in the Muslim hearts and Sir Syed went against this. This interest was acknowledged by the British. 

Sir Syed's recommendation to Muslims in the political field is additionally significant. He accepted that under the European framework or popularity based government the Muslims of India would consistently be helpless before Hindu larger part. 

He recommended separate electorate for Muslims. He exhorted the Muslims not to join Congress. 

Urdu-Hindi Controversy: 

In 1867, Hindus requested that Hindi ought to be made an authority language of India instead of Urdu. They began a tumult. The Hindus were against Urdu since it was the language o the Muslims. Muslims went against this and upheld Urdu as it was the sign and joined the Muslims of the India under one language. Because of this explanation Sir Syed began "Two Nation Theory" 

Two Nation theory 

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan assumed a fundamental part in working on the Muslim status. He worked resolutely to reestablish relations between the Muslims and the British. He brought the Muslim recovery through the Aligarh development and showed the significance of training. 

Sir Syed persuaded that the Hindus could never be companion with the Muslims. He achieved a thought the Two-nation theory and is thus known as "The Father of The Pakistan Movement". 

Excursion to England 

In 1868, he went England and visited instructive establishments. The University of Cambridge intrigued him the most. 

This visit gave him a chance to thoroughly consider and give a last shape to his arrangement to set up organizations in India. 


 Worked Member of Governor General's 

Administrative Council (1878-1883) 

 Was selected as Member of Public Service 

Commission in 1887. 

 The Government of that time focused the Title of 

SIR on him. 

 Was made a Knight Commander of the Star of  India. 

Aligarh Movement 

Sir Syed was keen on Muslims. He needed to further develop relations with British and the places of Muslims. 

The Aligarh Movement was established by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, the best Muslim educationist of the nineteenth Century. 

The Services which Sir Syed Ahmed khan delivered for the Muslims are known as the Aligarh Movement throughout the entire existence of Muslims of India. 

Points of Alligarh Movement 

The focal points of the Aligarh Movement were to: 

Further develop relations between the British and Muslims people group by eliminating British questions about Muslim faithfulness and Muslim questions about the British goals. 

Aligarh development was pointed toward notifying the British that Muslims are not just answerable for the War and in this way unjustifiable anger ought not be caused to them. 

To convince the Muslims to get present day instruction 


I. To make an environment of Mutual comprehension between the British Government and Muslims. 

II. To convince Muslims to learn English Education. 

III. To convince Muslims to go without legislative issues of tumult. 

IV. To deliver a scholarly class from among the Muslim Community. 

The British Government Excluded the Muslims from sensible government Jobs. 

In Government Office of Calcutta a Muhammadan (Muslim) could just expect any post over the position of a doorman, courier and Ink filler-Pots.


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